VetCap Catches Fire in NYC, Powers Veteran Entrepreneurs

[caption id="attachment_807" align="alignnone" width="614"] Military veterans gathered in NYC for Vetcap, a new national series of financial workshops sponsored by VetsinTech.

For military veterans looking to break into the tech industry, a friendly audience goes a long way.  So say participants in Vetcap, a new national series of workshops launched by VetsinTech (ViT) that gives veteran entrepreneurs a chance to network and “pitch” their startup idea to a panel of industry pros as part of a financial workshop.  Sponsored by the New York City chapter of ViT, the latest Vetcap was held at Union Square Ventures on June 18, 2014. Nine vets pitched in all.

“Relative to all things out there for veterans, it’s probably the best thing I’ve done,” says Jonathan Frangakis, a former Major in the Marine Corps. “I got really solid feedback and tons of information I never would have known about.”   Click here to read more..
Post By Brian Jarvis