Read the Article: TechCrunch
Read the Article: Diversity Best Practices
Here Are 7 Awesome Resources Your Transition Class Didn’t Offer
Read the Article: Task and Purpose
Here are three ways for you to get the skills you need to bust into tech in as little as a month
Read the Article: 3 ways vets can break into tech without a degree
VetsInTech Helps Veterans Break into America’s Fastest Growing Industry. “We tell our veterans that the average American worker makes $47,000 a year, but if you go into tech it’s going to be double that, in the $90,000s, especially if you become Salesforce certified,” Webster said.
Read the Article: VetsInTech Helps Veterans
In ut odio libero, at vulputate urna. Nulla tristique mi a massa convallis cursus. Nulla eu mi magna. Etiam suscipit commodo gravida. Cras suscipit, quam vitae adipiscing faucibus, risus nibh laoreet odio, a porttitor metus eros ut enim. Morbi augue velit, tempus mattis dignissim nec, porta sed risus. Donec eget magna eu lorem tristique pellentesque eget eu dui. Fusce lacinia tempor malesuada. Ut lacus sapien, placerat a ornare nec, elementum sit amet felis. Maecenas pretium lorem hendrerit eros sagittis fermentum.
Phasellus enim magna, varius et commodo ut, ultricies vitae velit. Ut nulla tellus, eleifend euismod pellentesque vel, sagittis vel justo. In libero urna, venenatis sit amet ornare non, suscipit nec risus. Sed consequat justo non mauris pretium at tempor justo sodales. Quisque tincidunt laoreet malesuada. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Integer vitae ante enim. Fusce sed elit est. Suspendisse sit amet mauris in quam pretium faucibus et aliquam odio.
Women in the space are even more rare. But female veterans in the technology industry? Almost unheard of.
Read the Article: Military 1
There are dozens of hackathons in Silicon Valley every month, but on Monday Facebook hosted one with a twist.
Read the Article: TechCrunch
Thanks to Joining Forces and the White House for the inspiration and recognizing VetsinTech.
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Work Market Honors Veterans, Sponsors New York Vets in Tech Event.
Read the Article: PR Web
Vets in Tech Expands its work helping veterans find tech jobs.
Read the Article: Carlsbad Current Argus